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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Thought ratio between Work & Pay

Work to get paid or
Work and get paid?


When you talk of salary and salary-hike, and salary being low or high, you are talking in relative terms.

You are saying, 'I presently own a Rs 10,000 mobile, and I want to own a Rs 50,000 mobile or a Rs 1 Lakh mobile'.

It’s not just about owning a mobile. That discussion is irrelevant. All of you anyway own mobiles. The ‘mobile’ is just an indicator.

Now, it is about climbing up the so-called value chain.

'When will I move up the ladder?',
That’s your concern.

And what I am asking is, if you really have something great to do, would you have time to think about moving up, or falling down?

There is something that you have given your deepest self to, and then, let’s say, at the end of the month, you get something, monetarily, as a return.

Would you assess your work, your entire month, by what you receive on the 31st as a pay-cheque?

Is your pay-cheque, an indicator of how your month, your life in the entire month has gone?

The month has already been wonderful; now, if I get something on the 30th, it is a bonus!

It is not compensation anymore; it is a bonus.

I often ask people, is it so difficult to find something, that you would be prepared to do, without asking for any returns?

Where you work because the work itself is joy. The work itself is its own reward.

Let your work be an expression of your lifefulness.


'I am alive and my work is an expression of life itself.'

Obviously, I get paid for it. 
But I don’t work to get paid.

These are two different things:

There are people, who work to get paid, and there are people who work and get paid.➤
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Item Reviewed: Thought ratio between Work & Pay Rating: 5 Reviewed By: MYSTIC SPOT